Easy your life.

Update History

07 January 2012

A Terse Cultural Observation

I live next to a hospital. The building in which I live is owned by the hospital in which it is near. I live here because the Wife works at said hospital. It is terribly convenient to live next to a hospital where one’s wife works when one requires a visit. It is not so great when the hospital is Chinese.

I seem to remember signs from my youth in the real world telling people to be quiet in hospital zones. This always made sense to me. The last thing you want while dying in a hospital bed is to hear a marching band outside your window. For many of us, the last thing we want to hear at any point in our life cycle is a marching band outside our window.

Such signs do not exist in Chinese countries. Such signs cannot exist in a culture where everyone is too self-involved to take anyone else into consideration. The Chinese mentality is to do whatever the hell they want regardless of how it will affect others. Other people are other people’s problems.

I have more than a few students who are just becoming teenagers. Experience has shown me that this is never a good thing. The nicest, most polite children become typical raging Chinese assholes once they fumble into puberty. One such student announced at the end of class yesterday that she did not care about anything. She used to be the top student in the class. Now that she is becoming a teenager her scores are plunging down the toilet. I asked her why she was doing worse in class. She said that she did not care. This was an unusually honest answer. Few of them care, but they usually come up with excuses for their apathy. I asked her if she wanted to fail the class and take it over again. She said that she did not care. I then asked her if she would rather eat cockroaches or mosquitos for dinner. She knew that she was trapped, and the rest of the class laughed at her predicament, but she was as obstinate as a teenager and said that she did not care. This brought more laughter from the class. Few things embarrass a Chinese teenager more than being laughed at by their peers. But it is far better to be laughed at than to compromise.

When I asked her how she would feel if both of her parents died she said that she did not care. This was probably more truthful than stubborn. Teenagers and parents are a bad mix in any country. When I asked her if she wanted to go home she said that she did not care. So I told the rest of the class that they could go home and told her to stay. When she said that her parents were waiting for her I told her that I did not care.

This is typical Chinese adult behavior. These people simply do not care about anything beyond what they want to do at any given moment. When their actions have horrible consequences they blame everything on bad luck. When your atrocious driving kills someone, it is simply the unluck. If your wife leaves you because you spend every night with KTV prostitutes, your marriage must be the unluck. Fired from you job for stealing everything that was not nailed down? Unluck.

When blaming your dipshittery on bad luck no longer works for you, kill yourself. Suicide is a national pastime around here. Chinese culture tells people to follow ritual superstitions to have good luck, and if you have too much bad luck you can always open a few veins. This is not a dust off your boots and get back on the horse kind of culture. Their motto is if at first you don’t succeed, stab yourself.

The Wife’s oldest sister considered suicide about a year ago when her husband’s business tanked. They consider themselves rich, although in the real world they would be middle class, and the greatest pain rich people can suffer is poverty. They still have several cars and a big house, so I would imagine they are further from poverty than they think. And if all else fails they have more than enough relatives with more than enough spare space with which to live.

When the Wife told me that the Wife’s Sister told her that she was thinking about taking a dirt nap, I told the Wife that there was nothing to worry about. People who say they are going to do it rarely do. People who actually kill themselves usually surprise those around them. But this perspective only works in my culture. Chinese people kill themselves at the drop of a hat. The Wife had more than a few colleagues who are no longer this side of breathing because their boyfriends dumped them. Transitioning from enough money to buy jewelry and furniture to just enough money to pay the bills is more than enough to send these people over the edge.

This is one of many reasons that these hospitals are always full. Another is that the health care system is dirt cheap and people will go to the hospital whenever they sneeze. But the biggest reasons for crowded hospitals are cancer, which would take a worldwide lifestyle adjustment to eradicate, and traffic “accidents”, which are utterly avoidable.

Spending time in a Chinese hospital is a very different experience from spending time in an American hospital. I spent a sleepless night in an American hospital listening to the IV dripping. It was far too quiet for my liking. When a selfish Chinese driver was kind enough to break my ankle for me I never could have gotten any sleep in the Chinese hospital. The patients around me were all screaming into their cellphones, screaming at their visitors, screaming at the nurses and screaming while eating. The din inside a Chinese hospital is excruciating. It is little wonder that no one would complain if a marching band were outside their windows.

Despite all of my tours of duty in this country I still think like a foreigner. Since I work nights I prefer not to wake up at eight o’clock in the morning. I take out the garbagie at my convenience, not when some truck plays its horrible song. And I absolutely refuse to wear a coat when it is thirty degrees outside. The calendar may call it winter, but I dress according to the actual weather.

So when the marching band outside my window woke me up at eight o’clock this morning I considered it inconvenient, unnecessary and terribly rude to the patients dying in the hospital next door. Starting my day far too early will not kill me. I prefer not to wake up twelve hours before I go to work, but it is not the worst thing that could happen. In my foreigner mind, waking up dying hospital patients with a marching band could be the worst thing that happens to them. To the Chinese it is morning. Time to wake up. If any patients die because of the marching band or the nine to five construction that has been going on for several months, obviously they were the unluck.

03 January 2012

Addendum of 3 January

With my advancing years I have neglected to mention that Mr McCartney now offers special “soundcheck” packages with his concerts. For about US$2000 or more, one can buy a single ticket to one of his shows, along with entrance to that show’s soundcheck earlier in the day. The package includes a buffet lunch (which is not always vegetarian, apparently), tour poster and baseball cap. The length of the soundcheck depends entirely on how long it takes the sound engineers to play with their knobs. It could be a mini-concert. It could be one song. Customers have no choice, or foreknowledge, of where their seats will be. The bulky men in small t-shirts tell you where to sit, or stand, when you show up.

It is this extra milking of fans that prompted this diatribe in the first place. So naturally I never bothered to mention it.

Most Frequently Used Labels

Most important for honor to making drive with eye close (7) How can it be an accident when they drive like assholes on purpose? (3) Let your family get their own dreams to the reality (3) Police don’t ask me how I feel – I feel fined (3) When you travel to a city with a rich culture and history try to visit its theme parks (3) And I ask myself why were there no strippers at my wedding (2) Get out the way old Dan Tucker (2) Holy Mother tramples the heads of the Earth fire dragon (2) I hate the fact that I need an electronic device in my life (2) I was tired of walking anyway (2) It is indeed like rain on your wedding cake (2) No colors were harmed in the taking of these photographs (2) What the Zagat guide doesn’t tell you (2) Why is not now if it fight? (2) And they don't even hold a grudge (1) Aucune couleur dans la fabrication de ces photgraphs n'a été blessée (1) Brother can you spare a thousand dimes (1) Castle Of The King Of The Birds (1) De Cultuur van Amsterdam is de belangrijkste van Nederland (1) Does one person really need 500 shoes? (1) Dorénavant je ne parlerai pas même Français (1) Everything I know about right and wrong I learned from M*A*S*H (1) From Genesis to Revelation in one run-on sentence (1) Hast du etwas Zeit für mich - Dann singe Ich ein Lied für dich von Wien und Österreich und das sowas von sowas kommt (1) He doesn't care too much for money since money can't buy him love (1) I am tired of typing tiny dirt farm village (1) I knew there was a reason I never go to Dallas (1) I participate in all your hostility to dogs and would readily join in any plan of exterminating the whole race. – Thomas Jefferson to Peter Minor 1811 (1) I think I saw Walt Disney’s frozen head in the popcorn line (1) If I were a half decent photographer anything I shot in Africa would make you say Great Mbleka - this place is awfuckingtastic (1) If Jesus exists then how come he never lived here (1) If Nelson Mandela exists then how come he never lived here? (1) If Rodney King lived here he’d still be alive today (1) If you wish to be starting some thing you have got to be starting some thing - I say if you wish to be starting some thing you have got to be starting some thing (1) If you’ve seen one crowded polluted stinking town… (1) It is make unluck to give a shit (1) It is super and strong to kill the wound dint (1) It’s actually a pretty enormous world after all (1) Keine Farben wurden im nehmen dieser Fotos geschädigt (1) Me no like (1) Most greatest blog post is ever was (1) NOT ALLOW (1) Never trust a man who can only spell a word one way (1) No humans were harmed in the taking of these photographs (1) Not counting the last one (1) Old people got no reason (1) Peace and easy feelings (1) Peter Brown never called me (1) Planes and trains and boats and buses characteristically evoke a common attitude of blue (1) Probably the best time I have ever had at one of my favorite places in the world (1) Red is the color that my baby wore and what's more it's true - yes it is (1) Slap tjips - jy maak my nou sommer lekker skraal mos (1) Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance (1) Suicide is Painless but booking trips at the last minute around here is a pain in the ass (1) The day the music died (1) The lingering acrid scent of $5 whores never impresses the little lady back home (1) The one about my first trip to Amsterdam which doesn’t really say anything about my first trip to Amsterdam (1) The woman who will be the mother of my illegitimate children just as soon as I get that time machine fixed (1) They might as well be dead when the rain comes (1) Think about how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of them are stupider than that (1) Those godless French bastards never once offered me any vodka (1) Tiny metal rods (1) To boldly be our guest a long long time ago where no man has gone before under the sea (1) Unfortunately to get to nature you have to go through civilization (1) We’ll kill the fatted calf tonight so stick around (1) What good is a used up world and how could it be worth having? (1) Who is this Red Rose that just walked in the she hot stuff (1) Why Julia Child never lived here (1) You make kill we make kill so all same ok (1) Your lateral cuneiform is full of eels (1) scenic Bali (1) spellcheck this (1)

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I have no qualms about disseminating creative works for the public benefit when the author is duly credited, but if you use any of the writing or photography contained herein and try to pass it off as yours, that just shows you are a big pussy who is too lazy to come up with your own word usements or shoot your own digital paintings. You should be ashamed of your dipshittery.