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27 May 2012

Socialist Fascism In 21st Century Sound Bites

In the interest of partial disclosure, I will point out something that is patently obvious to anyone who has ever met me and completely unknowable to my wife. I tend to lean a little to the left on the sociopolitical spectrum. By which I mean I am the most bleeding heart, socialist, tree hugging, spendocrat, liberal lunatic of anyone I know. Though I do not recall hugging any trees lately. And I probably spend far less money than anyone who will ever read this.

By liberal I mean the dictionary definition of the adjective. A political ideology advocating constitutionalism and the rule of law, due process, regulated government, freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly. I’m down with Lakoff’s definition of liberal morality. Fairness and empathy, helping those who cannot help themselves, defending those who cannot defend themselves, letting people fulfill their lives as best they can and taking care of oneself as a means to help others. I do not especially practice that last bit. My body is more of a Hooverville shanty than temple, but I agree with it in principle. And I rarely actually do anything to help or defend others. I practice Lennon liberalism. I want to save humanity, but it’s people that I just can’t stand.

I agree with Kennedy’s definition of a liberal person. “Someone who cares about the welfare of the people; their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties.”

In American politics, liberal and conservative have nothing to do with Democrat and Republican. Most of the world would call Democrats conservative and Republicans stingy and hateful. Many mainstream European politicians are far more liberal than any American who could ever get elected. American politicians are more ideologically aligned with Persian ayatollahs, without any knowledge of or insight into Islam, and the British National Party.

Democrats are not liberal. They call themselves liberal, or at least they used to before Republicans told them not to, but their spineless insouciance of human rights and their undying devotion to political correctness, whatever that happens to be this week, show their obedience to self-interest above all else.

Republicans are not conservative. A conservative would not spend such enormous buckets of money without any consideration of the consequences the way Republicans do. Today’s keyboard pundits would say I just mocked the Bush administration, but Republicans were building up debt long before Dubya smashed his first beer can on his forehead.

And their usurpation of Christianity is simply hilarious. Jesus would only vote Republican if he got hit by a Nascar and suffered retrograde amnesia. Or he simply wanted to fuck with people.

Baby Jesus never said that hostile multinational corporations will inherit the Earth. He never said that man gains the whole world through profits and losing his soul. He never said hate your neighbor and treat people like shit. I do not remember him saying that it is better to be rich than be a fat man in the eye of a needle. I could be wrong, but I doubt he ever said, “Fuck the poor. Screw over whoever you have to to make it to the top. Whoever dies with the most toys wins.”

I can see Jesus voting for a Democrat. He did seem to enjoy lost causes and raising the dead.

“Conservatives say if you don’t give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they’ve lost all incentive because we’ve given them too much money.” - George Carlin

I think Barbara Boxer is too conservative and Franklin Roosevelt did not go far enough. I believe that every human being, even Republicans, should have free access to medical treatment. I think the quality of American school lunches is child abuse. Most of the crap Americans feed their children is child abuse. I think there is little reason to save the Earth. It will survive long after we have destroyed our own ability to live on it. I believe that homos should have every right to marry each other. Why should only straight people suffer. I agree with pretty much everything George Carlin ever said after he got sober. This things I believe.

As a tree hugger, I am supposed to want to adopt plants and give them names while preventing American businesses from their god-given right to sodomize the Earth. But I do not care much for flora in the home. I think it looks best at a distance outside. But if it has to be a case of nature versus corporate greed, I know which one I would rather photograph.

The Earth has been here long before man, and it will be here long after we are gone. It is human nature to deny things that will inevitably destroy us and it is nature’s nature to clean up the debris after the dust has settled.

As a peacenik, I am supposed to support taking away everyone’s guns and repealing the Second Amendment. But I think screwing with the Constitution should always be a last resort. I do not support amending it for anyone’s cause de semaine, whether it be flag burning, smoking in restaurants or declaring Ronald Reagan a god. However, I am all for taking away everyone’s guns.

“But if you outlaw guns, only criminals will have them”. That is a stupid argument. Even if I were a gun totin’ deer assassin I would think that is a stupid argument. If you outlaw murder, only criminals will commit murder.

People talk about war as if it is a case of right versus wrong. Our cause is just, so we have every right to invade and conquer. But few people, especially those “family values” types, ever seem to give a shit that children are always victims of war. One of the great things about the United States is that it has the luxury of conducting its wars nowhere near its own soil. As such, Americans never have to deal with dead collateral damage children. Who cares about foreign babies anyway. They are not in our family and they may not share our values, so fuck them.

As a spendocrat, I am supposed to want to tax everyone out of all their money and give it to billions of lazy junkies and all those useless children who refuse to go out and get jobs. But I think taking away everyone’s money might make it difficult to ever come back for more. I do not especially care for paying taxes, but I would rather not have to fill out forms and wait for the credit check while my house is on fire.

I am under no illusion that Democrats care more about children than Republicans. Both parties care more about winning elections than anything else. But I am amused when family values Republicans conveniently ignore the fact that their fuck-the-poor policies affect children and families far more than they affect all those lazy non-corporate welfare recipients who were stupid enough to be born poor.

As a bleeding heart, I am supposed to support abortion as a form of birth control, euthanasia as prescriptive medicine and a government war on religion. But I do not consider these political issues. What a patient and doctor talk to each other about is none of my business. I cannot see how it could ever be the business of a bunch of old rich white men who will probably never be pregnant any time soon. If some people were morally offended by prostate exams, it would never be an issue. Where these old men die is also none of the government’s business.

I see religions as systems created to control large populations in a time before television. They were also the easiest way to answer complex questions without the hindrance of any empirical understanding of how anything works. Is there a better way to explain the universe to people without a basic knowledge of biology, meteorology, geography, astronomy, quantum mechanics or a little old fashioned rock and roll. Wikipedia is a great source of misinformation and whatever wacky shit someone decides to type, but it has to be better than presocratic oral histories.

Religions bring comfort to people who are afraid of dying, and occasionally provide charitable services. I take no issue with religious symbols on state property and do not care what fantasy any politician worships. Most of them worship money anyway. My primary complaint is all that killing and torture. Democrats and Republicans generally act like childish assholes when talking to each other, but at least they do not have thousands of years’ worth of murder and genocide on their CVs.

As a liberal socialist communist fascist, I am supposed to blindly follow Obama and worship the ground he walks on. But I did not vote for him in 2008 and have no intention of voting for him in 2012. He may have been constitutionally qualified, but so was Zachary Taylor. I found both terribly inexperienced. I miss the days when one term in whatever office the candidate holds is not enough to become president. James Madison served in various legislatures for 21 years and was Secretary of State for 8 years before becoming president. Andrew Johnson held several elected offices for 37 years before his boss was capped. Neither was the greatest president in the world, but they had good resumés. Obama was in office for five minutes before Oprah crowned him president.

Liberals are supposed to support a black candidate, but a true liberal knows that voting for a black man because he is black is just as racist as voting against him because he is black. Real liberals supported Hillary Clinton in 2008. Any liberal can tell you that an intelligent woman is always a better choice than an inexperienced man. We will never know what might have happened had the Florida and Michigan primaries been handled properly. The Democratic Party screwed her over for an intern.

American political discourse is so devisive these days that you cannot even call it discourse. It more closely resembles the enlightened conversation between two eight-year-olds who each want to take to the monkey bars first. Except that children use more common sense and have a stronger grasp of fair play.

If you tell a Republican about your liberal thinkings, he will likely assume that you blindly agree with all of this week’s Democratic talking points and disagree with all of this week’s Republican talking points. This is generally because he blindly agrees with all of this week’s Republican talking points and disagrees with all of this week’s Democratic talking points. The days of thinking for oneself to form an opinion are over. We are now told what we are supposed to believe by whichever television programs align most closely with our preconceived notions of how we wish the world would work.

Most Americans vote for a party because it tells them that they should. That is like choosing McDonald’s over a meal at home because McDonald’s has more commercials. Actually, most Americans do not even vote. We are always told that only a Democrat or Republican can win. If all of the people who never vote or if all of the people tired of voting for the lesser of two evils would vote for a third party candidate, that rich white man would win in a landslide. Then we could have an additional party as a corporate whore.

As a bleeding heart liberal lunatic, I am supposed to watch MSNBC for information. The problem with this is that MSNBC blows. We do not get it at home, but I have seen bits and pieces whilst out of town, and from what I have seen there is very little news going on. It seems to be only short programs of people with questionable qualifications screaming their own political opinions. This to me is not news.

We also do not get Fox News, but from what I have seen there is very little news going on there either. They have their own talking heads, albeit more blondes, giving their own opinions. They also seem to give a lot more helpful advice to their viewers, such as which new i-toy to buy or which new cookbook to buy or which new outdoor grill to buy. These were not commercials. They were part of the “news”.

Watching MSNBC and Fox on my latest trip told me absolutely nothing about what was going on in the world. There was nothing about the endless protests and civil wars in the Arab world. There was nothing about Aung San Suu Kyi’s election to Myanmar’s legislature. There was nothing about the British tabloid cellphone hacking soap opera. There was nothing about the latest bombing in Kenya. There was nothing about France’s new tiny president replacing the old tiny president. The only mention of Europe’s economy was buried under how Obama and/or Romney will absolutely save/destroy it all.

Critics of each network love bleating on about how biased their disinformation is while supporters claim that only there can one get the real truth. Anyone with any common sense should see that it is all bullshit, frequently interrupted with advertisements for more bullshit. Even politicians know this, although they give lip service to whichever network tows their party’s line. But everyone knows that a politician’s lip service is worth about as much as a Cambodian street walker’s.

Republicans complain about CNN, and it is indeed a half-assed excuse for a news network, but at least they will occasionally report the news. They are as fair and balanced as Fox, but they will report from anywhere in the world as long as it has something to do with American corporate interests.

Something I think would completely flummox most Americans is how open minded, unbiased and informative Chinese international news is compared to American international news. What the Chinese tell the Chinese is a joke, but what they broadcast to international audiences is the way I imagine American news may have been when Ed Murrow was sucking down cancer sticks.

I saw a Chinese political commentary program with a Chinese host and a guest from Hong Kong. They mocked each other’s uniforms (the host wore a Communist Party uniform and the guest wore a business suit), but they discussed the issue at hand calmly, using logic and reason to state their positions. It was all very adult and civilized. It was nothing like the American entertainment shows that pretend to be political analysis. And they both spent a lifetime in the fields of whatever they were talking about. They were nothing like the American self-appointed experts. They were qualified.

I cannot pinpoint exactly when it happened, but somewhere along the line Communist Chinese news became informative and insightful while American journalism became The Gong Show.

People talk about why the United States is going down the toilet. Republicans blame Democratic programs while Democrats blame Republican programs. I blame our collective acquiescence of the complete and absolute dumbing down of American culture. Corporations pander to the lowest common denominator, which has little use for critical thinking. News became opinion. Journalists became entertainters. Prime time became game shows.

Democracy cannot exist without a well-informed populace.

Most Frequently Used Labels

Most important for honor to making drive with eye close (7) How can it be an accident when they drive like assholes on purpose? (3) Let your family get their own dreams to the reality (3) Police don’t ask me how I feel – I feel fined (3) When you travel to a city with a rich culture and history try to visit its theme parks (3) And I ask myself why were there no strippers at my wedding (2) Get out the way old Dan Tucker (2) Holy Mother tramples the heads of the Earth fire dragon (2) I hate the fact that I need an electronic device in my life (2) I was tired of walking anyway (2) It is indeed like rain on your wedding cake (2) No colors were harmed in the taking of these photographs (2) What the Zagat guide doesn’t tell you (2) Why is not now if it fight? (2) And they don't even hold a grudge (1) Aucune couleur dans la fabrication de ces photgraphs n'a été blessée (1) Brother can you spare a thousand dimes (1) Castle Of The King Of The Birds (1) De Cultuur van Amsterdam is de belangrijkste van Nederland (1) Does one person really need 500 shoes? (1) Dorénavant je ne parlerai pas même Français (1) Everything I know about right and wrong I learned from M*A*S*H (1) From Genesis to Revelation in one run-on sentence (1) Hast du etwas Zeit für mich - Dann singe Ich ein Lied für dich von Wien und Österreich und das sowas von sowas kommt (1) He doesn't care too much for money since money can't buy him love (1) I am tired of typing tiny dirt farm village (1) I knew there was a reason I never go to Dallas (1) I participate in all your hostility to dogs and would readily join in any plan of exterminating the whole race. – Thomas Jefferson to Peter Minor 1811 (1) I think I saw Walt Disney’s frozen head in the popcorn line (1) If I were a half decent photographer anything I shot in Africa would make you say Great Mbleka - this place is awfuckingtastic (1) If Jesus exists then how come he never lived here (1) If Nelson Mandela exists then how come he never lived here? (1) If Rodney King lived here he’d still be alive today (1) If you wish to be starting some thing you have got to be starting some thing - I say if you wish to be starting some thing you have got to be starting some thing (1) If you’ve seen one crowded polluted stinking town… (1) It is make unluck to give a shit (1) It is super and strong to kill the wound dint (1) It’s actually a pretty enormous world after all (1) Keine Farben wurden im nehmen dieser Fotos geschädigt (1) Me no like (1) Most greatest blog post is ever was (1) NOT ALLOW (1) Never trust a man who can only spell a word one way (1) No humans were harmed in the taking of these photographs (1) Not counting the last one (1) Old people got no reason (1) Peace and easy feelings (1) Peter Brown never called me (1) Planes and trains and boats and buses characteristically evoke a common attitude of blue (1) Probably the best time I have ever had at one of my favorite places in the world (1) Red is the color that my baby wore and what's more it's true - yes it is (1) Slap tjips - jy maak my nou sommer lekker skraal mos (1) Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance (1) Suicide is Painless but booking trips at the last minute around here is a pain in the ass (1) The day the music died (1) The lingering acrid scent of $5 whores never impresses the little lady back home (1) The one about my first trip to Amsterdam which doesn’t really say anything about my first trip to Amsterdam (1) The woman who will be the mother of my illegitimate children just as soon as I get that time machine fixed (1) They might as well be dead when the rain comes (1) Think about how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of them are stupider than that (1) Those godless French bastards never once offered me any vodka (1) Tiny metal rods (1) To boldly be our guest a long long time ago where no man has gone before under the sea (1) Unfortunately to get to nature you have to go through civilization (1) We’ll kill the fatted calf tonight so stick around (1) What good is a used up world and how could it be worth having? (1) Who is this Red Rose that just walked in the she hot stuff (1) Why Julia Child never lived here (1) You make kill we make kill so all same ok (1) Your lateral cuneiform is full of eels (1) scenic Bali (1) spellcheck this (1)

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I have no qualms about disseminating creative works for the public benefit when the author is duly credited, but if you use any of the writing or photography contained herein and try to pass it off as yours, that just shows you are a big pussy who is too lazy to come up with your own word usements or shoot your own digital paintings. You should be ashamed of your dipshittery.